PNR | High Pressure Pneumatic and Hydrostatic Test Demonstration in one of the world largest Fabrication Yard
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High Pressure Pneumatic and Hydrostatic Test Demonstration in one of the world largest Fabrication Yard

High Pressure Pneumatic and Hydrostatic Test Demonstration in one of the world largest Fabrication Yard

07:15 28 May in Uncategorized

EST and PNR Engineering Group have just recently conducted a successful demonstration of high pressure pipe testing method using EST I.D. Griptight GT4-P120  and O.D. Griptight ODGT-400P. For this demonstration a sample pipe of Sch120 was tested up to 2000 psi hydraulically and 1400 psi pnuematically. These plugs are specially engineered and designed to use the test pressure to grip and seal the pipe securely. The higher the test pressure, the tighter these plugs will hold on to the wall of the pipe.


This safe method of pipe testing has been used by many international companies. Tremendous manpower time are reduced compared to the conventional method of using end cap and flange & blinds.

GripTight Plugs operating pressure can go up to  13900 PSI(960 Bar) and O.D GripTight up to 5000PSI(343Bar)

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